The Church at the Heart of the City

Our Calling & our Vision

Brunswick Methodist church is a church at the heart of the city of Newcastle. Our calling is, therefore, to serve the city centre community which ranges from the homeless person to the office worker.

We aim to keep the rhythm of prayer and worship at the centre of our church life and we open our doors seven days a week, welcoming all those who may be seeking friendship, advice or a spiritual home.

Our vision is to encourage each of our church members to be equipped for the task of ministry and mission. Two areas in which we have seen growth over the past year have been in worship and in discipleship/small groups.

The Brunswick Ministry Team comprises of our Minister, our Outreach Worker and a new Lay Worker post which is helping us to grow our small groups and deepen the worship life of our church.

Brunswick Methodists are committed to working closely with our Christian partners in the city centre. These include the Salvation Army, a Chinese Methodist congregation and a Christian charity, Junction 42, all of which are based at Brunswick.

Our church is a ‘gathered’ congregation with our members living across a wide area. We have a number of families and students, most of whom are international students. Our aim is to be an all age, cosmopolitan and welcoming congregation!